Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab
at Kent State University
Peer reviewed
[19] F.S. Freitas, S. Arndt, K. R. Hendry, J. C. Faust, A. C. Tessin, C. März, 2022, Organic Matter Transformation Drives pH and Carbonate Chemistry in Arctic Marine Sediments, Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
[18] J. Ward, K. Hendry, S. Arndt, J. Faust, F. Freitas, S. Henley, J. Krause, C. März, H. Ng, R. Pickering, A. Tessin, 2022, Stable Silicon Isotopes Uncover a Mineralogical Control on the Benthic Silicon Cycle in the Arctic Barents Sea, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
[17] J. Ward, K. Hendry, S. Arndt, J. Faust, F. Freitas, S. Henley, J. Krause, C. Maerz, A. Tessin, R. Airs, 2022, Benthic Silicon Cycling in the Arctic Barents Sea: a Reaction-Transport Model Study, Biogeosciences.
[16] C. Marz, F.S. Freitas, J.A. Godbold, S.F. Henley, A.C. Tessin, G.D. Abbott, R. Airs, S. Arndt, D.K.A. Barnes, J.C. Faust, L.J. Grange, N.D. Gray, I.M. Head, K.R. Hendry, R.G. Hilton, A.J.Reed, S. Ruhl, M. Solan. T.A. Souster, M.A. Stevenson, K. Tait, J. Ward, S. Widdicombe, 2022, Biogeochemical consequences of a changing Arctic shelf seafloor ecosystem, Ambio.
[15] T. Horner, S.H. Little, T.M. Conway, J.R. Farmer, J.E. Hertzberg, D.J. Janssen, A.J.M Lough, J. McKay, A. Tessin, S.J.G. Galer, S.L. Jaccard, F. Lacan, A. Paytan, K. Wuttig, 2021, Bioactive trace metals and their isotopes as paleoproductivity proxies: An assessment using GEOTRACES-era data, Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
[14] C. Hayes, K. M. Costa, R. F. Anderson, E. Calvo, Z. Chase, L. L. Demina, J-C. Dutay, C. R. German, L-E Heimbürger‐Boavida, S. L. Jaccard, A. Jacobel, K. E. Kohfeld, M. D. Kravchishina, J. Lippold, F. Mekik, L. Missiaen, F. J. Pavia, A. Paytan, R. Pedrosa‐Pamies, M. V. Petrova, S. Rahman, L. F. Robinson, M. Roy‐Barman, A. Sanchez‐Vidal, A. Shiller, A. Tagliabue, A. C. Tessin, M. Van Hulten, J. Zhang, 2021, Global Ocean Sediment Composition and Burial Flux in the Deep Sea, Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
[13] J. Faust, A. Tessin, B. Fisher, M. Zindorf, S. Papadaki, K. Hendry, K. Doyle, and C. März, 2021, Millennial scale persistence of organic carbon bound to iron in Arctic marine sediments, Nature Geoscience.
[12] Tessin, A., C. März, M.-A. Blais, H. Brumsack, J. Matthiessen, M. O’Regan, and B. Schnetger, 2020, Arctic continental margin sediments as possible Fe and Mn sources to seawater as sea ice retreats: Insights from the Eurasian Margin, Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
[11] Tessin, A., C. März, M. Kędra, J. Matthiessen, J. Matthiessen, N. Morata, M. Nairn, M. O’Regan, and I. Peeken. Benthic phosphorus cycling within the Eurasian marginal sea ice zone, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.
[10] J. Faust, M. Stevenson, G. Abbott, J. Knies, A. Tessin, I. Mannion, A. Ford, J. Peakall, and C. März, 2020, Does Arctic warming reduce preservation of organic matter in Barents Sea sediments? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.
[9] F. Freitas, K. Hendry, S. Henley, J. Faust, A. Tessin, M. Stevenson, G. Abbott, C. März, and S. Arndt, 2020, Benthic-pelagic coupling in the Barents Sea: an integrated data-model framework, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.
[8] M. Stevenson, J. Faust, L. Andrade, F. Freitas, N. Gray, K. Tait, K. Hendry, R. Hilton, S. Henley, A. Tessin, P. Leary, S. Papadaki, A. Ford, C. März, and G. Abbott, 2020, Transformation of organic matter in a Barents Sea sediment profile: coupled geochemical and microbiological processes, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.
[7] Tessin, A., A. Chappaz, I. Hendy, and N. Sheldon, 2019, Molybdenum speciation as a paleo-redox proxy: a case study from Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway black shales, Geology, DOI:10.1130/G45785.1.
[6] Tessin, A., C. Schroder-Adams, N. Sheldon, I. Hendy, and K. Elderbak, 2019, Local versus seaway-wide trends in deoxygenation in the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, GSA Bulletin, DOI:10.1130/B31982.1.
[5] Tessin, A., T. Bianchi, I. Hendy, N. Sheldon, J. Hutchings, and E. Arnold, 2017, Organic matter source and thermal maturity within the Late Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, US Western Interior, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 86, DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.06.041.
[4] Tessin, A., N. Sheldon, I. Hendy, and A. Chappaz, 2016, Iron limitation in the Western Interior Seaway during the Late Cretaceous OAE 3 and its role in phosphorus recycling and enhanced organic matter preservation, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 449, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.05.043
[3] Tessin, A., I. Hendy, N. Sheldon, and B. Sageman, 2015, Redox controlled preservation of organic matter during “OAE 3” within the Western Interior Seaway, Paleoceanography, DOI: 10.1002/2014PA002729.
[2] Lund, D. C., A. C. Tessin, J. L. Hoffman, and A. Schmittner, 2015, Southwest Atlantic watermass evolution during the last deglaciation, Paleoceanography, DOI: 10.1002/2014PA00265.
[1] Tessin, A. C. and D. C. Lund, 2013, Isotopically depleted carbon in the mid-depth South Atlantic during the last deglaciation, Paleoceanography, 28, DOI: 10.1002/palo.20026.
Featured in Science Editor’s Choice (May 30, 2013)
Other (editorials, cruise reports, and book chapters)
[5] G Uenzelmann-Neben, SM Bohaty, LB Childress, and the Expedition 392 Science Party, 2022, Expedition 392 Preliminary Report Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate: drilling the Agulhas Plateau and Transkei Basin to reconstruct the Cretaceous–Paleogene tectonic and climatic evolution of the Southern Ocean basin, 5 February–7 April 2022.
[4] D. Thomas, D. Arevalo-Martinez, K. Crocket, F. Grosse, K. Schulz, R. Suhring, A. Tessin, 2022, A changing Arctic Ocean, Ambio.
[3] A. Tessin, 2020, Anthropogenic influences on ocean chemistry, Elsevier Encyclopedia of Geology, 2ndedition.
[2] Hendry, K and A. Tessin, 2019, Why we’re looking for chemicals in the seabed to help predict climate change, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/why-were-looking-for-chemicals-in-the-seabed-to-help-predict-climate-change-110452.
[1] K Husum, U Ninnemann, TA Rydningen, E Alve, NEB Altuna, AH Braaten, V Eilertsen, V Gamboa, MR Kjøller, L Orme, S Rutledal, A Tessin, M Zindorf, 2018, Paleo Cruise 2018, Nansen Legacy Report Series, https://doi.org/10.7557/nlrs.5502.